Mag citrate.Mag citrate (magnesium citrate) is a valuable health care supplement which can have a big impact on our health and fitness. Medical research informs us that magnesium deficiency can contribute to a whole list of health problems far too long to cover here in this document. THERE ARE OVER 3500 MEDICAL REFERENCES TO MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY. Magnesium is a potent relaxation mineral, IN FACT YOU COULD REFER TO MAGNESIUM AS THE RELAXATION MINERAL. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzyme tasks and reduces inflammation; it affects bone, muscle and brain together with many other important bodily functions. It amazes me how little publicity mag citrate receives. For instance taking magnesium can also help you sleep more soundly. Mag deficiency has even been linked to inflammation of the body; how bad do you think this problem is in our modern world?
Why are we so deficient in this important mineral? I recently spoke to a Senior Laboratory Technician whose company specialize in soil testing from over a very large area of country and she informed me that there is no Magnesium in any of the soils they have tested. To my knowledge, there is no Mag citrate or any other form of magnesium added to any agricultural fertilisers because plants themselves don't appear to be adversely affected by its absence. Therefore unfortunately you can be assured there is little or no Magnesium in the fruit and vegetables we eat. Why would our orchardists or growers use this mineral if it doesn’t improve their yield? Our highly processed food and diet contains almost no magnesium. The following was reported in Wikipedia. "Observations of reduced dietary magnesium intake in modern Western countries as compared to earlier generations, may be related to food refining and MODERN FERTILISERS CONTAIN NO MAGNESIUM" (The capitals are mine) This problem can be quite easily fixed in our diet with things like mag citrate or orotate and at little expense and should also be supported with Vitamin D. Another scientific review of Magnesium concluded,"It is highly regrettable that the deficiency of such an inexpensive low-toxicity nutrient results in diseases that cause incalculable suffering and expense throughout the world." (Med Hypotheses 2001 Feb; 56(2): 163-70) Our magnesium levels are also heavily reduced by such popular things as common salt, alcohol and the PHOSPHORIC ACID WHICH IS FOUND IN ALL SORTS OF SOFT DRINKS LIKE COKES. I personally believe the heavy consumption of these drinks is having a negative effect on our available magnesium and our health. Is it any wonder we suffer from the shortage of this critical mineral! There is also problem associated with trying to have the body absorb or use magnesium. For instance you can buy magnesium carbonate quite cheaply but this is practically useless because our bodies we cannot absorb it in this form even with the support of vitamin D. To be absorbed magnesium has to be supported by various vitamins, particularly vitamin D and even then our absorption rate is normally quite low. Use Magnesium citrate, Taurate or Orotate and support it with vitamin B6, vitamin D and selenium. These extra supplements will support your body's ability to utilise any available Magnesium. Unless you can acquire it from a natural source such as milk you can literally take magnesium by the bucket load with little effect unless it is supported with these other supplements especially vitamin D. Luckily the only probable side effects if you take too much of it will be to give you a case of loose bowels. However the shortage of magnesium can have a pronounced effect on our health in many ways. It's similar to its associated mineral “calcium” which is also not easy to absorb unless it's available in a natural form. The recommended daily intake of Magnesium is 300 Mg per day but I personally believe most people will benefit from much more, up to 1000 Mg per day! I recently read a report by a highly qualified health professional who recommended even higher levels of this supplement. As I said earlier, the worst effect of too much of this essential mineral seems to be loose bowels. I use this as a yardstick by means of which I monitor my magnesium intake.