Stem cell videos.

The author. Eddie Mace. Recent photo aged 91.

Stem cell videos provides some interesting information on an important research discovery concerning our health.

Embryonic stem cells have been rejected by many people largely on religious grounds so that it is great to see we have a better system using adult cells.

This is definitely not a compromise to using embryonic stem cells as these adult stem cells are now having great success  whereas the attempts to use embryonic cells has up to date been a total failure.

The big problem with these embryonic cells is that they are likely to develope  cancer. These cells can only be obtained from 1 to 5 day old fetuses, therefor they have been heavily protested about from many different areas.

Luckily great progress is now being achieved using adult stem cells. 

These stem cells had been earlier abandoned due to the difficulties the researchers were having trying to utilise them.

Considerable success is now happening with these adult stem cells and it is now in fact being supported even by the Vatican.

Before I refer you the  STEM CELL VIDEOS, watch this other video about the Catholic Church’s support for stem cell research.(only runs for a few minutes).

You can see this supplementary video here about the Catholic Church,

See Stem cell treatment.

The following video about stem cell research  provides an opportunity to find out about a stem cell product which is available at very limited cost which is proving to be very effective as I have personally discovered.

As you can see I am over 90 years old and doing very well as I am now almost free from the use of drugs and I strongly advise you to investigate what this product has to offer.

See the main video.

For additional facts on this, leave stem cell videos see success stories.

Information on this product is available if you click here.

I hope you have found this page about these stem cells  interesting.

Join me and you too can also enjoy being at a mature age!!!

This product is not expensive.


Eddie Mace.